War with Marathas

Concept Explanation

War with Marathas

War with the Marathas: From the late eighteenth century the Company also sought to curb and eventually destroy Maratha power. With their defeat in the Third Battle of Panipat in 1761, the Marathas’ dream of ruling from Delhi was shattered. They were divided into many states under different chiefs (Sardars) belonging to dynasties such as Sindhia, Holkar, Gaikwad and Bhonsle. These chiefs were held together in a confederacy under a Peshwa (Principal Minister) who became its effective military and administrative head based in Pune. Mahadji Sindhia and Nana Phadnis were two famous Maratha soldiers and statesmen of the late eighteenth century.

First Anglo Maratha War(1775-82)

British wanted to sign an alliance with aspiring Peshwa, Raghunath Rao against Madhav RaoII. The Maratha cheiftains backed Madhav Rao . The British provided 2,500 men to Raghunath. he gave salsette and Bassein to the english along with a part of revenue from Broach and Surat districts. The two sides signed the Treaty  of Salbai (1782). it gave the British 20years of peace with the Marathas.

Second Anglo Maratha war(1803-05)

In 1801, there was a conflict among the marathas over Peshwaship. Peshwa Baji Rao II entered the subsidiary Alliance with the British and got the British protection against the Jaswant Rao Holkar. The British troops drove Holkar out. Peshwa Baji Rao signed a treaty with the British. It was opposed by Maratha chieftains -the Sindia and the Bhosale . This resulted in the second Anglo -Maratha war in 1803.

Third Anglo -Maratha war(1817-18)

Peshwa Baji Rao II did not like his subordinate positions under the British . he tried to unite the maratha chiefs against the British but failed. he surrendered. The British abolished the position of Peshwa and marathas were limited to the small kigdom of Satara . This was the end of the mighty maratha power.


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